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Analytics Laboratory Research Group in Ohio
This site relates to the teachings, projects, and research group in Ohio associated with Dr. Theodore T. Allen, Professor of Integrated Systems Engineering and Computer Science Engineering (Courtesy) at Ohio State University and President of FactSpread.
Create the world’s most valuable decision-support methods and major positive impacts.
Use access to applications to see needs more clearly and align research for efficiency.
We have created arguably the best general-purpose simulation optimization methods, large-scale vehicle routing methods, minimally satisfying simulation optimization methods, and others.

Theodore T. Allen is a Professor of Integrated Systems Engineering and Computer Science Engineering (Courtesy) at the Ohio State University. He is an INFORMS Edelman Finalist, a fellow of ASQ, an area editor for CAIE Journal (IF: 7.2), a member of the MIT Election Science Laboratory, and on the board of the Center for Design & Manufacturing Excellence. He has a vita, teaching, and research statement.

SEAL has conducted and is conducting many impactful projects. These relate to diverse domain areas, including cyber security, manufacturing, and supply chain management.
A major application relates to supporting election systems, including voting machine allocation. A major issue is that ballot lengths can differ greatly between precincts in a county, and officials are generally not giving locations with ballots that are twice as long as anything close to twice as many booths or machines. This results in common systematic discrimination and can change results.

Themes: Innovative Concepts and Methods and Major Impacts
“Blying” is a made-up word (by Dr. Allen) relating to self-deception followed by spreading falsehoods. We all feel disgusted sometimes that our top politicians make inaccurate statements consistently, but we should be grateful for any good service and seek benefits exploiting related phenomena.