People and Projects

The SEAL group has a large group of impressive students and collaborators. The list is constantly changing but currently includes recent graduates Drs. Abe Al Kader and Maha Yazbeck and senior students:
- Tengmu Hu
- John McCarty
- Yifei Zhang
- Ramiro Rodriguez Buno
- Mohammad Abdullah
- Garett Fogel
- Evelyn Arrey
- Zach Dobos
- Chad Weiss
- Antor Rashid
- Abhinav Vunnam
- Tomasina DeLong

We are constantly looking for projects and enjoy sponsors who become partners. Current and recent projects include:
- U. Air. Tech., Inc. (Defense)
- ROSEN Group (German)
- Honda Vision & Kitting
- Cyber Vuln – Ohio Education
- Goodwill Columbus
- Cyber Vuln – Ohio Development
- Cyber Resi – Nat. Sec. Agency
- Cyber Vuln – Ohio Education
- Intel Corporation
- Cyber Resi – MxD (Defense)